Ultimate Survival Guide to the 21st Century Blog

The hunter and the prey

Do you feel in charge?

An article caught my eye. A writer explained how the current state of the world is not the result of a conspiracy, but of an escalation of a series of bad things that no...


5 ways not to get rich

Apparently people are obsessed with getting rich. I’m scrolling through socials and get a lot of sponsored and other content from people telling how to get rich quickly. First thing that comes to mind:...

Alcantara, Silicy, Italy

You’re addicted to drama

Headlines, the latest gossip, sports, the news, tv-shows and movies: they all have the same thing in common. They’re made to feed your desire to have drama in your life. Our society is addicted...

16 personalities meet the MBTI®

So most of the people that dived into their personality did this with the 16personalities.com website. Just like me you answered some questions on their test and there was a 5 letter result, stating...